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Nadcap & Heat Treat Consulting
Our main focus is always on client satisfaction
Our main focus is always on client satisfaction. We listen to your concerns and needs and are here to help you through them. We fully understand the complicated process for the global cooperative accreditation program for aerospace engineering, defense and related industries.
Aerospace Testing & Pyrometry, Inc. offers full on-site Nadcap and heat treat consulting, including:
Nadcap Gap Analysis (Heat Treat, NDT, Welding, Brazing, Materials Test Laboratories)
Root Cause Corrective Action for Nadcap/Aerospace Prime audits
Guidance of Merit & Audit Failure Threshold
Heat Treat Consulting
Non-Destructive Testing Consulting
Review/Create Procedures and Work Instructions for Heat Treating, Pyrometry, NDT, Welding, Brazing, Materials Test Laboratories)
Metallurgical Expert Available for analysis of material issues
Welding & Brazing Consulting
Hardness & Conductivity Consulting
Materials Testing Consulting
The Nadcap Process
Nadcap is the leading cooperative program of major companies designed to manage a consensus approach to special processes. The Nadcap process and product certification is provided by Performance Review Institute (PRI) which is the only organization approved by the aerospace and defense industries to offer certification resulting from special process audits.
To support compliance with the Nadcap requirements ATP can provide the following:
Introduction to the Nadcap process, planning and preparation, avoiding pitfalls, merit, lessons learned, fundamental requirements of the program and expectations
Guidance and assistance through the Nadcap quality system requirements, including manuals, procedures and forms
Attendance during the Nadcap audit
Follow up assessments to ensure systems are being effectively implemented and are sustainable
Root cause and corrective action responses to non-conformances issued as a result of Nadcap audits
ASTM standards and AMS specification interpretation and compliance
Heat Treating/Brazing
ATP can provide personalized consulting services to meet the requirements of applicable Nadcap checklists, industry standard and customer specific specifications:
Assessments of Nadcap heat treat, brazing and material testing compliance
Implementation and verification of issues found during the assessment
Population of applicable Nadcap checklists
Development, review and amendment of manuals, procedures, work instructions and forms
Implementation and verification of requirements
Expert Witness/Litigation Support
ATP can provide expert witness and litigation support for clients by serving as a testifying expert or performed targeted research or counsel during case litigation, settlement or cross examination of other experts. The extensive background in pyrometry, materials testing ATP can serve as an expert.
Types of cases may include:
Personal Injury
Wrongful Death
Product Liability
Patent Infringement